Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Well, lets talk about Joseph, his story, and that of his people, Israel. These are the generation that are the great-grandchildren of Abraham, the only man called God's friend in the Bible.  After his brothers came to Egypt to buy food during the famine, Joseph messed with them before he revealed himself to them as their brother.

In the closing chapters of Genesis, we see that when Joseph went to Pharaoh (Djoser) with the story of his family that the Pharaoh said bring them here to live. So all of Israel's (Joseph's father) family moved to Egypt and lived in the Nile delta in a place called Goshen. They lived there for many generations. Joseph died at 110 but left instructions to take his bones back to the land that God would lead Israel to, the promised land. After some time (about 400 years) there arose another Pharaoh over Egypt who knew not Joseph, Exodus 1:8. Israel had grown into a few million people from the original 70 that came there, for God had prospered them.

So the Pharaoh put task masters over the people of Israel and force them into labor to build treasure cities, Pthom and Raamses. However, the more Israel was afflicted, the more they grew in number. The Egyptian government was grieved over the children of Israel, Exodus 1:9-14.

The Pharaoh decided to try and kill all of the male babies of the Israelites. He ordered the midwives to kill the male babies, but they would not obey. He then ordered all of Israel to throw their male babies into the river, but save the female babies. It was a hard time for Israel, Exodus 1:15-22.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Goals for this blog

I am trying to get better at this blogging thing, new to me. I am not a preacher. I am a teacher though, a gift from the LORD.

I know from my lifes experience and my years of walking with God, that belief, trust, and faith are the essentials. God is good. God is loving. God is kind.

Paul said that all of the promises of God are yes and amen, 2 Corinthians 1:20. So I know that the promises are for health, provision, and abundant life. So many do not have these things, and yet believe in God. God said, "I Am the Lord, I change not." Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever, Malachi 3:6 Hebrews 13:8. So, if the promises of God are not working for you, something is amiss on your side, not God's.
Think about it; if your radio is not working do you call the radio station and complain? No, you would realize that something is wrong with your radio.
And so, God is constant. It is us who change.

Some people think they do not need God. They have a job, they have things, they feel they are just fine without God. I am not talking to them. I am talking to those who realize that they have a need to come to and trust their Creator.

The Holy Bible is ancient and explains how God interacts with His prize creation, mankind. I will, in future posts, try to explain truths that I have learned from the Bible. Also to research and answer questions that may arise. I will present evidence as well as art and pictures that will substantiate the wonderful writings of the Holy Bible.

Friday, September 23, 2011


Patience is listed as one of the fruits of the spirit (Gal 5:22), the patience of Joseph should be considered. God had revealed to him in his youth that he would be great. However he was betrayed by his brothers and sold as a slave to Egypt. He spent a great amount of time in prison, though innocent, and for most of us this would be devastating, wondering whether God had spoke or not. He kept his faith and was promoted to the 2nd highest man in the whole kingdom of the Pharaoh. By the providence and wisdom of God he saved the land during famine and his own people, Israel (Gen 37-50). His obedience, patience, and faith gave him a fame that is perpetual.
I will discuss this time in history in future blogs. The evidence of the truth of the Bible is inspiring and it is really cool to be able to see these things through the technology of today.

                                                              Dreams of Greatness

Joseph was the 11th son of Israel. Around 1900 BC was his time in Egypt. The evidence of his impact is still present and can be seen on Google Earth (pictures to follow in future posts). The Pharaoh over him was probably Djoser. Joseph's position of respect also probably gave him the name Imhotep. There is research done by Ron Wyatt to show that the complex in Sakkara, Egypt was built under Joseph's (Imhotep's) direction. The step pyramid here is the first pyramid built in Egypt. The vast underground grain storage and distribution complex are also found here. As mentioned in the previous blog, God picked Joseph to save Israel and the local world at that time from a severe famine.