Thursday, December 12, 2019

Christmas and Easter History

All of my life my family has celebrated Christmas, and Easter. These are greatly loved and Holy Days in the Church of Jesus. Holy Days are shortened to Holiday.

We celebrate Christmas as the birth of Jesus Christ.

We celebrate Easter as the resurrection of Jesus from the dead.

Matthew and Luke give a wonderful record of the birth of our Lord Jesus. This event is fulfillment of God's promise to send a redeemer to save mankind.

There are some who claim to be Christian who do not celebrate Christmas or Easter. After all they are not commanded to be kept in the Bible. They claim they are of pagan origin and condemn the commercialization of the Holidays. Because of the pagan celebrations, those who come against these days claim that the Bible says plainly to not worship other gods and that is all these are. So, I want to investigate the history of Christendom celebrating them.

First, what are the 7 feasts that the Lord commanded His people to keep in Leviticus 23? Most Christians see these as Jewish celebrations and do not really keep them, as Israel does. Each of these feasts honor God's Son, who Israel as a whole does not know yet.

Spring feasts which have been fulfilled by Jesus at His first coming:

  • Passover - Jesus' Passion and crucifixion 
  • Unleavened Bread - Jesus buried in the tomb, sinless (unleavened)
  • Firstfruits - Jesus' resurrection (firstborn of the dead)
  • Pentecost - Jesus sends the Holy Ghost
Fall feasts which have yet to be fulfilled by Jesus at His second coming:
  • Trumpets - Jesus' return (Rapture and taking of the earth)
  • Atonement - Once and for all, Jesus' forgiveness of all who call on His Name (Great White Throne)
  • Tabernacles - God forever lives with man (the New Jerusalem)
As you can see, none of these are focused on the birth of Jesus Christ. We do celebrate Easter in the spring, which is similar to the feast of Firstfruits, although not considered by most Christians.

To understand why we do celebrate Christmas and Easter, we need to go back about 1700 years.

Constantine 272-337 AD

The first 2 centuries were hard on the young Christian Church. Rome was in power and persecuted the Christians. Many were killed, some for sport, before a pagan regime who worshiped many gods.
History has shown us that the Church grows larger and stronger with persecution.

The Christians were praying for deliverance and peace. There were several books for them to read, but they were not all in one like our Bible today. The Jewish scriptures of the Torah, prophets, and writings were available, as well as the gospels, and writings by some of the Apostles. However there were apocryphal books that were circulating that claimed authorship of those long dead. These would continue through the 4th Century.

Constantine was born in this time in 272. His full name is Flavius Valerius Aurelius Constantinus Augustus. He was introduced to Christianity by his mother, Helena.

Helena is famous for finding what she claimed was the cross of Jesus in Jerusalem, and the Mount of Moses in the Sinai Peninsula. (The real Mt Sinai is Jabal Al Laws in Saudi Arabia found by Ron Wyatt in the 1970's)

Constantine was made Emperor of Rome the Western Empire in 306 AD. This is a position of power more than any one at the time. The Caesars were worshiped as gods.

Constantine the Great became his title, and was what the people thought of him.

He had a notable adversary, Maxentius, who was also an Emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire. This civil war came to a head in 312 AD at the battle of Milvian Bridge.

Just prior to this battle, Constantine had a vision in the heavens of a cross inscribed with Conquer With This. He then had the inscription of the first 2 letters of Christ's name put on his soldier's shields. Many believe that this was Constantine's conversion.

Constantine won the battle and Maxentius was defeated and killed and Constantine took reign over his territories: Italy, Africa, and Spain.

Constantine felt compassion for the Christians and their persecution. With the help of Licinius, the Emperor of Pannonia, they established the Edict of Milan in 313 AD which ended the persecution of the Christians by Rome. Although still rivals, Licinius had been an ally of Constantine at the Battle of Milvian Bridge. Constantine pushed for the Christians to be accepted, but did not persecute the pagans. He was a believer in the Power of Christ.

By the support of Constantine, Christianity became the official religion of Rome by 323. So it was the official world religion.

In 324 Constantine defeated Licinius at the battle of Adrianople and had him exiled. Licinius died in 325. Constantine was now the Ruler of the world and the sole Emperor of Rome.

I have no doubt that God sent Constantine for a time when the Church needed him to have peace and grow. In 325 AD the Church leaders met for the Council of Nicaea under Constantine's authority and direction. Here they prayerfully went through all of the known scriptures and kept those that they considered Theos Pnuspos meaning God Breathed. Many of the apocryphal books were not included, all of the Old Testament was. This is how our Bible was put together. Also the Nicene Creed was written for the Church.

The Council of Nicaea under Constantine's direction also made Easter a Christian Holiday on the 1st Sunday after the full moon following the March Equinox. The celebration was already being kept by the Romans to the fertility goddess Eshtar in the spring. That is where the rabbits and eggs come from. But Easter has been an official Church Holy Day for 1700 years.

In 326 AD, Constantine established the Christ Mass or Christmas on December 25th for celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. Before it was the celebration by the people of the Winter Solstice thus the evergreen tree.

Aligning with the scriptures, it is doubtful that December was the time of Jesus' birth, but more possible it was the time of Jesus' miraculous conception.

Constantine was the vessel used by God to get our Bible together, establish Holy Days for the birth and resurrection of Christ, and give us the Nicene Creed for the Church. I am very thankful for this at Christmas and Easter. He was baptized before his death in 337 AD and considered one of the great Kings in history.

Christmas Scriptures

The whole Bible is written around and about Jesus, God's Son, the Messiah, and Redeemer of mankind to God. In Christendom we celebrate His birth with gladness and gifts to honor God who gave us the greatest gift that could be possibly given; Jn 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.

Gn 3:15 The promised seed of the woman that would bruise the head of Satan.

Isa 7:14 (700 BC) Therefore the Lord Himself shall give you a sign: Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son and shall call his name Emmanuel (God in the flesh). Virgo starts the Mazzaroth with Mary the Virgin (See my blog Gospel in the Stars).

Mic 5:2 (730 BC) But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall He come forth unto Me that is to be ruler in Israel: whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting.

Luke 1:26-38 Gabriel visits Mary with the Word of the Lord.

Mt 1:18-25 Joseph is told of Mary's miraculous conception.

Lk 2:1-20 Taxation and the trip to Bethlehem and Christ's birth in the stable.

Mt 2:1-15 Visit of the Magi Wise Men.

Isa 9:6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

Each of the 4 gospels has a description of Jesus' resurrection at its end. Jesus is the first born from the dead. This is one of the foundations of our faith, for all who are in Christ and are dead will be raised as well. We who are alive will be caught up with Him in the air upon His return. Rm 8:11, Phil 3:21, 1Thess 4:16-18.

If you do not know the Lord Jesus Christ today, ask Him to come into your heart, forgive you from sin, and be the Lord of your life. Jesus is the only way to the Father, Jn 14:6.

All scriptures are from the KJV. All pictures and art from I-net.

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